Community Involvement

Community involvement

Growing with our Local Communities

As our company continues to grow, we think it’s important to also grow within our local communities. Our employees volunteer their time to organize and participate in events for various charitable projects throughout the year including:

  • American Cancer Society
  • Breast Cancer Awareness walks
  • Clothing and food drives
  • Community education
  • Disaster relief
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Public agency donations
  • Salvation Army
  • United Way
  • U.S. Armed Forces donations

Employees support various community programs

Some of our most popular areas of community programs our company and employees participate in are listed below.

American Red Cross plays a critical role in our nation's health care system. It is the largest single supplier of blood and blood products in the United States, collecting and processing approximately 40% of the blood supply and distributing it to about 2,600 hospitals and transfusion centers nationwide. The Red Cross plays a leading role in protecting the safety of donors and patients and increasing the availability of blood.

In 2009, we began an “Earth Day” Celebration at our North American headquarters in Reading, PA. Children of employees, kindergarten to 8th grade, are invited to spend the day with our employees to learn about the our industry and the important role chemistry plays in our lives.

Habitat For Humanity® is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing decent, affordable homes to deserving families in communities around the world. Since 1988, the local Reading, PA Chapter of the organization has built or renovated 57 homes, selling them to qualified families in the local community. For every local home built, a payment is sent to ‘Habitat for Humanity International’ which funds a home in a developing country.

Brenntag North America supports the American Cancer Society (ACS) by participating in a local Relay For Life event in Exeter, PA. Employees from the surrounding area join together to form a team and walk for 24 hours in honor of everyone who has ever had, currently has or will have cancer in their lifetime. We are so proud to be a part of the fight.

Each year before Thanksgiving our company receives "wish lists" from individuals of all ages in need in our community. These "wish lists" contain anything from toys to clothing to living essentials. Our employees choose as many cards as they desire and graciously purchase items for the individual they have chosen. This has been a long-standing and successful program at Brenntag for many years.

Brenntag North America provides sponsorship of a college scholarship through the Society of Women Engineers to support young women pursuing accredited college programs in preparation for careers in science and engineering.

Water For People is an international nonprofit working in 9 different countries to bring safe water and sanitation to 4 million people.

For more information on Water For People please visit .

Once a month, a few Brenntag North America employees take time out of their busy work schedules to read stories to children in Reading City schools. This program has been successfully running since 2010.

We help promote the future of chemistry by our active involvement over the past several years with the Chemical Education Foundation (CEF) and their You Be the Chemist ® (YBTC) Challenge.

For more information please visit .

Water for people logo

Water For People

Water is our most important resource, and Brenntag understands that not everyone in the world has access to clean and safe water. As a part of our sustainability efforts, we have chosen to work alongside Water For People as an opportunity to help provide safe water and sanitation to those who need it the most.

It's not just about building wells, installing toilets, and setting up pumps, but about creating long-term, sustainable change. Water For People talks to community members, governments, and business owners to find out what they need to feel healthy, safe, and empowered.

doctor student female researcher holding up a test tube in chemistry bright labaratory

You be the chemist

We help promote the future of chemistry by our active involvement over the past several years with the Chemical Education Foundation (CEF) and their You Be the Chemist® (YBTC) Challenge. The Chemical Education Foundation, founded in 1989 and headquartered in Arlington, VA, is a nationally recognized, award winning non-profit organization committed to enhancing science education among every generation.

The YBTC Challenge is designed as a question-and-answer competition similar in format to a spelling bee, to encourage interest in chemistry among students at a young age. Students in grades 5 through 8 answer questions about important chemistry concepts, historical discoveries, and safety awareness.