Quality & Certifications

Examing water

Quality Management

Brenntag Belgium is committed to quality management. We work according to defined processes and responsibilities to provide a smooth and efficient service with focus to always improve.

Brenntag Belgium works in many business segments. To ensure our services to these segments, we have chosen to work according to segment orientated quality management where suitable and authorisation where needed.

Read our Policy statement Brenntag Benelux (in French)

Read our Policy statement Brenntag Benelux (in Dutch)

Scientists working at computers in turbo charger

ISO and FSSC Certifications

Since 1993, the purchase, storage, handling, packaging, sales and transport of Chemicals at our plant and main office in Deerlijk are fully ISO9001 compliant, as certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV). Also our Mouscron plant is ISO9001 compliant.Since 2002, the purchase, storage, handling, packaging, sales and transport of Chemicals at our plant and main office in Deerlijk are fully ISO14001 compliant, as certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

Since 2014, the purchase, storage, handling, packaging, sales and transport of food and feed additives at our plant and main office in Deerlijk are fully ISO22000 compliant, as certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

Since 2014, the handling (filling and packaging into trade packages) of pre-manufactured food and feed additives at our plant and main office in Deerlijk is fully FSSC22000 compliant, as certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

After careful consideration and evaluation, we have decided to discontinue our ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems. Even without certification, environmental protection and awareness continue to receive the necessary attention, together with the commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

Environmentally friendly practices and reducing our carbon footprint remain built into our daily operations.

Certification organic products

Since 2015 Brenntag NV is recognized as a distributor of organic products.
The certification is done by Certisys sprl. (Approval number: BE-BIO-01)

  Petrochemical industry inspector


Since 2006, the distribution of feed grade products at our plant and main office in Deerlijk have been certified as compliant with GMP+ B1 standard, as attested by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

Download GMP+ certifications

Female Scientific Research Team With Clear Solution In Laboratory

Responsible care

The board of Directors of the Belgian Association of Chemical Distributors (BACD) confirms that Brenntag N.V. endorses the FECC European Responsible Care program and has undertaken to apply its basic principles. This certificat is valid until 31/12/2023.

  Petrochemical industry inspector


Since 2000, the purchase, storage, handling, packaging, sales and transport of Chemicals at our plant and main office in Deerlijk have been assessed using the CEFIC/FECC European Single Assessment Document (ESAD) for Chemical Distributors.

Contact us

If you require copies of any of our certificates, please contact us using the form below.