A wind turbine was installed at the new North East site of Brenntag UK and Ireland which was completed at the end of 2018 and commenced operations at the start of 2019. The turbine has a maximum output of 6 kW and should be able to produce 13,000 kWh of electricity per year dependant on wind speed. Around 90% of the renewable electricity will be used by the location, with the remaining 10% fed into the national grid. This will cut the site’s CO2 emissions by around 5.6 tonnes per year compared to conventional electricity production. The turbine is not just an investment in sustainable energy production. It will also be appreciated by those customers and suppliers that give regard to environmental awareness and sustainability programmes when choosing their business partners.
In addition to the wind turbine, other measures were implemented at the North East site that will increase energy efficiency and therefore reduce energy consumption, these including motion sensors and energy-saving LED lighting. The roof of the warehouse was constructed in such a way that allows more natural light to pass through of the surface than conventional warehouse roofs.